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Re: JJMMGGDD, information needed - 未名空间精华区
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Re: JJMMGGDD, information needed

发信人: Yongdoufoo (匆匆), 信区: Singapore
标 题: Re: JJMMGGDD, information needed
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Sun Sep 17 22:10:57 2000), 站内信件

actually, you may apply accomendation from the office of
student affairs, NUS. (you may surf the webpage of them for
details). They will assign a room either in College Green or
Chee Bee Garden. The rental ranges from S$260 to S$280.
You may also rent a room on your own, which is cheaper,but
it is not convenient for you to get such kind of info. when you
are still in China. So what you can do now is ask a friend in NUS
to rent a room on your behalf. Or you may just live in the
room NUS allocates to you and find your own one after a few
weeks when you well adapt to the surroundings.

【 在 cosma (大海呀,大海,) 的大作中提到: 】
: Hi, JJMMGGDD in sg, who could give me some ideas in sg?
: An offer was given to me from sg. Next January.
: It said that after half year, I can get TA to demonstrate
: lab course. If somebody happen to have such experience,
: could you tell me how about the budget like this.
: I wonder what is the price for a Bechelor(studio), that is a
: bedroom with its own washroom and kithen, near NUS.
: any information is appreciated,


※ 来源:.The unknown SPACE bbs.mit.edu.[FROM:]


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